
I never understood why politicians should have anything other than what the citizens they represent have. This includes healthcare and security. And yes, I fully expect security to be provided but at that politician’s expense. Maybe then we wouldn’t have to worry about self-serving career politicians. Like them

Let’s not be a dick about this

If that is the only indication to you that “times are a changin” you haven’t been paying attention.

that automatic weapons are illegal...

Of all guys to do this to, CD Projekt Red doesn’t seem like the best choice. The world seems majorly endeared to these guys and this bullshit probably won’t be tolerated by the Internet Hive Mind.

There are lots of good guys with guns, you just have to read the right sites to hear about them.

Being a victim of a violent crime at all is an anomaly. So is having your house burn down. You don’t have homeowners insurance because you expect to have a house fire. You have it because the consequences of not having it are dire.

“Finally”? Guns are used defensively, to save lives, from 500K to 4m times per years (estimates vary, since most are not reported), compared to being used in crimes approx 250K times per year. About 80% of the time, no shot even needs to be fired. ...Unfortunately in this case, shots WERE required to stop this

This is one of those extremely common instances where an armed citizen helped and protected others.

Shoot him in the leg? Have you ever shot a handgun? There is a reason you dont shoot to wound. You dont use less than deadly force to combat a deadly threat. Deadly force is the quickest way to end the threat. If you are going to shoot, you shoot to kill, or you admit that by not trying to kill the person that it

“The neighbor could have shot him a few times in the leg.”

You have obviously never actually shot a gun at anything. 

Because all training teaches you to aim for the largest part of the target, not a small part, like a leg, that is prone to moving. What if he’d moved his leg, causing a ricochet that hit one of the kids? And also because some people need killing.

If the shooter was white, the headline of this article would have been “Unarmed man shot in back while bathing his children.”

The NRA publishes a magazine every month called “America’s First Freedom” and there is a segment called “The Armed Citizen” that highlights incidents just like this, justified shootings by armed, law abiding citizens. I think we can all agree that this was a justified shooting and the fact that Mr Freeman was

Thank God that the 12 year old was there and able to get help, and thank God that she ran into THAT neighbor instead of someone who wouldve been scared to get involved. Dude is a hero, plain & simple. Time was of the essence & you cannot talk toa person in the midst of such a horrible act. Bravo!

> this sort of situation is overall an anomaly

The neighbor’s an absolute hero. Not only did he save these babies from immanent death, I’m certain he also saved the babies mother’s life too. Not to mention anyone else in the vicinity that could get in the way of a domestic abuser’s obsession with terrorizing and control of his estranged wife.

Not going to hold my breath for the NRA to issue a statement of support for this guy. But I think he did the right thing

Are there any actual sources for these claims? None of the links have anything concrete. I have seen a study or two that report mild respiratory health issues in its finding but that’s specifically for the person smoking and is to be expected. I have seen no studies whatsoever about second-hand vape. Obviously even

Are you saying, the insults an individual can use freely are directly determined by the race and socio economic status that the belong too?