
The Petri dish has a high likelihood of becoming a person but it is not yet realized/developed fully, the baby on the other hand is fully realized and developed. So the choice is you go with the sure thing, the baby. And the Petri dish you can just scoop back up and will still probably be ok:)

What makes a person a person? Is it free will? Is it the ability to self realize? Is it your choice when a fetus is just a mass of tissue or a future person? Should people who kill pregnant woman not be charged with the death of 2 people, and just the mother? I am not picking/trolling, I want to know when exactly you

Now playing

Could move to China.....they give out free abortions.

I am glad to have helped some. And the sources are hyper-linked to the numbers.

Munchkins? Is that better, though truthfully I prefer little devils.

Throw away the instructions, then grab a soldering iron, a hammer, and an exacto knife. And an extra large pack of band aids. You will thank me later. :)

Your killing the enemies of freedom!!!

If I may ask ma’am, what is the fake narrative of thanksgiving and what is the actual. I am very curious about your views.


Thank you for the civil counter-point.

Nail meet head.

Actually the (no common core) sounds great.

Thank you it was a truly a pleasure to have a conversation with an open minded person. Thank you for checking the links out. And the rape thing, while I do not whole heartedly agree I do see your point. And can understand that view. And if you ever want a view that is different than your own but in a civil manner it

Doh! Forgot the link sorry!

Thank you for the well written and well thought out response. I wish more people could communicate differences of opinions in this manner. You make some very good points and you explain this in a very realistic and nuanced manner. I will disagree with the raping part. Partly because I believe it is untrue, but

So because he was successful and hung around other successful people it discredits everything he has done? America is in large part shaped by men like him. The freedoms you enjoy and your comfortable lifestyle are also in large part thanks to men like him. So what exactly was your point?

I’m genuinely curious now. What do you teach your child/children about the founding of America? Your freedom of speech, your freedom to choose your religion, your freedom to call the president or anyone names is thanks in large part to Jefferson. As is many of the freedoms you experience today. Many of the Great