
Notre Dame isn’t a motherfucking tragedy. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Don’t you love it when assholes threaten to sue for defamation of “character”, completely unaware that the discovery process will prove they are even more of an asshole than everyone originally thought?

Don’t you hate it when you do a racism and then people are mean to you and you have to file a lawsuit due to the emotional stress brought on by the fallout of the racism you did? Sucks, man.

This article is pretty clearly for people who go out of their way to make other people’s lives a tiny bit easier.

But that’s just a regular old perfectly reasonable 300-500% cost of living raise since the 2016 recommendations!  What, did you not get one of those in your line of work?

I leave the DND sign up because I prefer they stay out. It’s not that I am hiding anything, I would just prefer they not come in, and I don’t need the service. I realize it’s not a legally binding contract. In all the many, many hotels I have stayed at, I have never come back to find my room clean when I left the DND

$10 per day, per person?!?

See, I don’t understand any of this at all. I book a hotel room so I have somewhere to sleep when I’m not doing what I’m in town to do. The job of housekeeping is to refresh the room after I’ve used it. I’m not gonna trash the room, but why should I do their job for them? If I want privacy, I need to feel bad about

I dunno...I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that a 65 year old man from an exurb of Belfast had, at some indeterminate point in the past, problematic views on race!

To be fair, I read that passage and came away thinking that Liam Neeson was ashamed to have had that reaction. This is the interviewer’s editorialization, but it’s still mentioned...

No, you’re really not. Once you throw the “goon” title around, you’ve just shown you’re not. Any successful team needs a player like Wilson, who’s willing to knock the shit out of guys in the other sweater. And unlike most players in that role, he actually has the hands to score, and be out on the first line.

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?

Yeah, three is about my limit too.

Doesn’t fat shaming require some kind of outward component like a judgment or critique of others? If she said that the photo should act as a reminder to everyone to overeat, then I could see it, but this is inward facing. She is saying this will help her to not over eat and doesn’t mention anyone else. People need to

If you want to honor cops, do so.  Just um...don’t use the BlueLivesMatter bullshit that was solely created to downplay the BlackLivesMatter movement...just saying.

Hockey fans would have played through it.

In her defense I’m sure there was a LOT of racist shit that was “OK” during her childhood. From her pov I bet blackface is very minor compared to things she’s actually seen and done.

Even God knew Florida and Texas needed to be separated by a large body of water and 2 states no one ever wants to drive through.

If Foles didn’t want the attention he shouldn’t have worn those skin-tight pants

I’m... kind of okay with this.