Yeah I hope there’s an article about it soon. I came to check.

Dunning Kruger explains a lot of this. Faster-maturing girls would be less likely to be overconfident.

Believe it or not, I’m actually in favour of retaining the present system, at least as long as the Queen and or Charles are monarchs (William is a lazy idiot). I just want people to understand that the money is ours, not theirs.

posting to bump this post.

But could it be a good thing? It felt like Lost and True Detective tied themselves in knots just to make sure the nerds weren’t right. I could see the appeal of a show that’s actually guessable. The suspense may be gone a bit, but fan engagement might be higher. Not sure, tbh, just thinking out loud.

I know. It is damn near ruining GOT for me. I am having to rely on purposely not remembering things I see (or general senility) to not spoiler the whole damn thing months before the next season starts!

Or bad sitcoms where the star goes to a hynotist nightclub show and gets on stage and thinks he can’t be hypnotized but later every time a bell rights he farts or something.

It’s amazing how the people who say shit like, “This is America, speak English!” typically have a loose at best grasp of the language themselves.

He makes me [sic] to my stomach.

I just moved from Texas (solidly red, so I voted knowing all my candidates would probably lose) to NJ (solidly blue, so I voted knowing my candidates would win even without me.)

I wondered about that over my dinner tonight. Hey, remember how everyone talks about going back in time to kill Hitler, before it all started? Well.

I’m sure NYC still loves her. She is probably out as a Presidential candidate but I doubt she’ll retire.

I seriously fucking hope not, because that would be a guaranteed way to lose another election.

No, maybe she’ll make a documentary about Global Warming or something.

She’ll run the Clinton Foundation, which is pretty successful at solving world health problems. I won’t blame her at all if she goes on a vacation for a year. Rent a villa in Italy, Hillary! Her political career is over. But her life is not.

The idea she would every run again is horrifying. She got beat by Obama and then beat by Trump. In hindsight the Democrats should have had someone else on deck for 2016. We can wring our hands about Stein and Johnson but at the end of the day it starts at the top. Trump is the DNC and Clintons fault.

She’s 69. Of course not.

Pretty much discreditted her as a Presidential candidate and, likely, completely ended her political career entirely. The Democrats are not as forgiving of failures as the Republicans.

She’s 69, so probably not. And I’d like to see someone who isn’t named Clinton or Bush run. (And stop saying Michelle Obama in 2020; she doesn’t want anything to do with politics, and again, I’d like someone who wasn’t first lady to be the first female president.)

I will bet good money that she will stay involved in politics at some level, but her days as a presidential candidate are over.