
I agree something has to change and being an unemployed old IT worker, job outsourced, tech IS the next frontier. Tech is a white collar job with corporate blue collar labor practices. The problem is that unions have an image problem. The owner class has long portrayed a unions as corrupt and shielding bad performers.

Finally, someone noticed! Rafael should not let his facial grow out. Beards do not have bare areas like that. Bare areas are not allowed. There are far too many men who call not shaving a beard. And when did not shaving your neck and pretending it’s a beard become acceptable?

Clutch, flywheel and main seal in 2010. Clutch, flywheel, main seal and IMS in 2019. 100K miles in 20 years or 5K miles a year. New clutch and flywheel every 45-50K miles????? Something ain’t right. CP!

My girl

After a lot of frustration with updates always screwing things up, I came to the conclusion that running windows in Bootcamp on a Mac was much less painful. 

If all these things show up as issues, it does not strike me as “terrifically reliable”. Maybe age and years of being around later model MBs and BMWs has jaded me.

You bought a high mileage M3 and you aren’t good at wrenching?????
Are you a masochist?

It looked fat when it was new and still does today. 

THANK YOU! It was driving my OCD addled brain into overdrive.

I can’t unsee that there is one whitewall and one blackwall tire on each side, and each pair is not on the same axle. 


Looks like Botox is going to get a lot more popular as more people have their faces become expressionless. I am an old, laid off due to outsourcing 6 months ago. I had hoped to work 5-8 more years, but I don’t know if this type of dystopian future is something I can bear.

It works really well for the perfectly toasted look on a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Perhaps they expected people to “do the right thing”. Rolling over and submitting is not in my DNA. Recover a loss? Didn’t Google take a known risk that if they pushed too far there would be repercussions? Labor has never organized because they wanted to bleed the firm dry. They organize because assholes think that

It’s 12 years old, German, and an AUDI. There is no such thing as cheap, German, and used. 

Do we think, a write in campaign could get the FTC to provide us with torches and pitchforks?

Whatever they do, Hyundai has to kill the Theta-II engine. They refuse to define what causes the conn-rod bearing failures. Well they did say debris from a deburring process, but they also said that was fixed around 2011. If it was fixed, why are they extending engine warranties on 2015 models?

I can’t tell you how many projects I’ve been on where McKinsey and those like them have the solution in mind before they even know the issues.

Another car with a CVT and touch screen A/C controls. I think I may hold on to my current car until this disease passes.

It all fits my stereotype of a McKinsey consultant. While I have no real feelings on Pete at this point. I definitely have feelings for McKinsey consultants. They are not good feelings.