
Car dealers make lawyers and politicians look good.

For a moment I was wondering why it had 3 pedals. One assumes the left one is a foot rest. 

The first one of these I ever saw was being driven at high revs when suddenly it turned into the parking lot where I was standing. The lady driving got out and quickly raised the engine cover. As near as I could tell, it was pissing coolant on the ground from a freeze plug in the block that had become unsealed. As I

I am still struggling with a passenger aircraft that can crash due to the failure of a single sensor. But then the DC-10 had crashes where the loss of an engine severely damaged flight controls resulting in crashes (Chicago and Sioux City). The desire to make a profit at all costs rides again.

Lets assume $400 per week based on your minimum wage of $10 per hour...BTW Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, not $10. Spending 34.5% of your gross income, based on a ((365.25 days per year/7 days per week)/12 months per year))*(40 hours per week)*($10 per hour)=$1739.28 per month is not “getting by just fine”.

That is not purple, it is burgundy.

I don’t understand a lot of the criticisms here. We are a year and a half from the election. Basically no one has any details of their views. Bernie has “Medicare for All”. OK, what does it cover? Crickets...Biden has a history. Warren is a former Republican, and so on. I am going to sit back and listen. As for Pete,

I don’t know, but in the UK, you can stand in line to check in at the airline counter because the machine won’t give you a boarding pass and when you get to an agent be told you did not confirm your departure in time and get sent to another line for a boarding pass because the first agent cannot issue one and then you

You missed that you live in a civilized part of the world.

When I moved back to Florida, I had to get one of these. My passport wasn’t acceptable ID by itself. WTF? They also wanted a lease, power bill, or some other “proof” my address was correct. Since I was staying in my sister’s guest house, I had to wait until one of my credit cards mailed me a statement, which in order

It’s bad enough the natives here have to contend with kudzu, water hyacinths, citrus greening, and snowbirds. But to feign feelings for another invasive species that murders innocent Bambis, Peter Cottontails, Bob Cats, and Panthers is more than a bit hypocritical. Why Westerners whose religions teach the evils of the

The vast majority of us who own Hyundai/Kia products with the “theta II” engines are well aware of these issues. Potentially 3 million cars with poorly designed engines, and about all you see is a brief blurb of another recall. Fires are only the tip of the iceberg. 

This sort of thing is not unique to Google or Silicon Valley. Both contractors and employees in IT are laid off with the minimum notice the law requires. I was laid off from a big bank due to a “location strategy”. There was no offer to relocate to one of the other locations. Myself and teammates were replaced by a

There is no such thing as a cheap used German car.....

TCPA complaints cover cell phone calls. They must have explicit permission to use a dialer to call a cell phone. Cell phone records are easy to come by. Collections calls are not exempt from TCPA. They must have permission for an automated dial to a cell phone. Manual dials are NOT prohibited UNTIL you ask them not to

Why does the guy who says “I believe you” have a display glitch/twitch?

SAAB 9000 Aero. It costs a lot less than 60K. The example below sold for $17,750 in mid January. Flip the rear seat down and you can fit a good sized refrigerator. And you will have lots of money to maintain it. 

I have had a tremor most of my life so the squeeze the trigger example never worked for me. Then one day I figured out a clutch is like the brakes. You don’t just bury the pedal to brake. On the flip side you don’t engage the clutch by dumping the pedal. you do it gradually and with a little practice it becomes second

Of course they are. Why have prices climbed so much? Shareholder returns and fat packages for the executives. And to think, when Drucker was a god, corporations were supposed to survive and thrive by creating customers.

Speed limiting would never happen in the US. Too many places would lose a source of significant revenue.

Accident data recorders are nothing new. SAAB used them in Sweden for years. Don’t some newer cars have the ability to record the last 5 minutes of certain data?