
IT work has become a blue collar job with low white collar pay. I was laid off 4 months ago after 11 years to be replaced by a managed services agreement with a third party. I am not allowed to work as a contractor at my former employer for 12 months, therefore no job with the third party. However, the third party can

Your concept of the purpose of business is uhm, interesting. The purpose of business is to create customers. Without customers, there are no profits and no returns. You might want to go back and read some things by Peter Drucker. “The fact is,” Drucker wrote in his 1973 Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices,

Answer: Yes!

1. Why can’t I post comments from Safari using a burner account?
2. Could similar results be obtained using Lytro’s technology?

Yes, both the Laser and Daytona were not very memorable, save one thing. I do not recall water cooling of the turbo bearing in a production passenger car before the turbo 2.2l. Maybe I am wrong, but whichever manufacturer brought it to the masses should get some credit. 

Put down the crack pipe folks. I know that unions can be a pain, but industry is not without its own set of skeletons in the closet. (Ford Pinto, Olds Diesel, Firestone 500, Takata, GM ignition locks, Bhopal, DDT, DuPont and the Teflon chemicals, and so on)
Have you forgotten the basic fact that the unions formed in

 In Texas? When Hell freezes over!

1. Edict from wife to sell
2. “Might consider a trade for G37, M4/M6, 640i ,650i, 370z, Corvette, Boxster, 911, +/- cash and trade what you got? Looking for clean convertibles”
3. Vegas

Obviously a con. CRACK PIPE!

Not their Job? Neither is the facilitation of spreading dangerous bullshit about the spread of disease, autism, disbarred doctors in the UK, and the stupid folks who believe such crap.
I say when a child dies because their parents believed some crap about vaccines, then BOTH Facebook which knowingly allowed the crap to

Next you’ll be saying that Facebook couldn’t have shutdown the Pro Plaguers (anti-vaxxers) and the flat landers. 

As others have said, more than one issue can be tackled. For me it basically comes down to this:
Not only are the tech giants collecting massive amounts of information that the government would need a lot of court ordered documents to collect themselves, they are selling our data for a profit they don’t share.


You got that because you hit a nerve. If you are truly curious take a moment to read this TLDR.

Since the 1980's, the political climate in the US changed. Prior to that the mantra was basically:
1. Build a good product
2. Take care of the customer by providing good service
3. Take care of your employees
4. The

No test drive? Definitely CP! Plus potential collision damage as others have mentioned.

I’m guessing Signal or a landline phone.

I’m OK with the look. It will be interesting to see what content they add and drop. My 2015 has heated rear seats as did my 2011. The current models don’t. Then they went for a period without the pano roof and it is back. Their mix and match of options worldwide is interesting., For example, The images on their middle

And of course they based it on esketamine so they could get patent protection and charge a premium. In the last 30 years I have been on prozac, zoloft, imipramine, celexa, lexipro, cymbalta, paxil, effexor, Wellbutrin, Pamelor, and associated anti-psychotic adjuncts like risperidone and abilify. This is by no means a

From the wise words of my parents...sometimes it’s a spade. but when you turn to pick it up then accidentally catch the tip of the blade and the handle pops you in the face....it’s an f’n’ shovel.

Any mention of Mac support? (MacBook Pro 2018) I suspect touch screen might be an issue. I had an HP Envy something or other touchscreen and I think I might have touched the screen less than ten times in the time I owned it. Currently If I need a second screen I use my Gen 2 iPad Pro and Duet. It’s OK, but it doesn’t

The answer is “Because FlexiTape!”

There is more to this than need. It is a link to your great grandmother. It is evidence that things can be built to last and when they don’t they, at least in the past, could be repaired. It is evidence the old craftsmen were gods. Now we buy a “pretty good” $60 stand at Aldi and it doesn’t last.
Having said that,