
Countries abandoned the gold standard because it was the only way they could fuel the massive debt that props up our society without completely wrecking the domestic economy (or depending on your view they kicked that can really, really far down the road).

Maybe that’s the whole point. Get the young wealthy Libertarian minded people to invest heavily in Bitcoin and other digital currencies to escape from the evil government and the BAM! steal it or just make it disappear and suddenly all the new money folk are penniless and the old money oligarchs are the ones left with

Props to the actress who plays Chantal, because she must be the most irritating, grating TV character I’ve seen in a long time. I’m physically uncomfortable whenever she’s onscreen.

This show is so funny and yet so tense, they blend it very well. That scene with Portia on the phone at the audition was so hard to watch. Hagner and Early as Portia and Elliott have become my favorite characters although Drew’s dry-as-hell delivery is perfect. I just really enjoy this cast.

I agree on both counts. And I thought the episodes that introduced them did a good job of making it seem like Rollins was going to stick around longer and Sarge was going to be an unfortunate casualty. I was fooled, at least.

Carly seemed like a survivor. I was hoping they’d find her alive somewhere and she’d join the crew. I thought this week struck a great balance between serious and goofy. If they keep the show in this zone, I’ll be happy.

I loved Henry Rollins’ Mueller and was sad to see him go, but I like Sarge A LOT. 

This episode was great, peak Z-Nation if you ask me. It was breezy, inventive and fun, and we actually had some plot progression. It can be tough being a Z-nation fan, but then an episode like this comes around and there is some vindication

They get a gold star for no Thanksgiving episode nonsense.



I thought Mabel Tyler, the child actor who played Young Angela looked familiar. She also played the strange 10 year old girl in White Rose’s safehouse in Season 2 who administered Angela’s psych evaluation.

I think benefactor is Price, and he’s Angela’s real father. It makes several pieces of the puzzle fall together.

SO... the basement setup with the handcuffs means the instructions included having Tyrell appear as if he were a hostage who escaped and tried to stop the plot, yes?

Now I want a green wall, so that I can hang a green fish on it.

Rickman was fantastic in his role in the movie, but he was always too good to play an ensemble role in a genre TV show. The same goes for Sigorney Weaver and Tony Shaloub - they’d do TV, but not as a supporting cast member.

Plus they’re wicked expensive. A “Next generation” type thing is a brilliant way to establish

Yes, you alone are the ONLY person with that theory. /s

That universal translator scene could have been really clever. Had the Klingon shifted to speaking English in the conversation with Burnham and not before.

Voq as Tyler. Yeah, that’s what I feel as well. She did tell him she has an idea, but that it would come at a high cost.

Tyler’s memories of being tortured wouldn’t be inconsistent with body reconstruction surgery. And his memories of having sex with L’Rell might’ve been from before he went through it...