Nobody ever invites me to join sex cults :(
Nobody ever invites me to join sex cults :(
I have read numerous articles about this thing and I still can’t figure out what the hell is going on.
That sex cult thing is the most fucked up thing I’ve read all year, and this is 2017.
A sex cult...welp....
“Mack DOS” does make a certain perverse sense.
For some reason, the fact that they were recruiters/senior members is more dispiriting than anything else. A totally anonymous sex cult is one thing. A cult that has an A-list star like Tom Cruise, even if you don’t like him, is one thing. But a sex cult that claims it can lift you to success, and backs that claim up…
“I don’t believe that Chloe from ‘Smallville’ is a recruiter for a sex cult” is a sentence I didn’t know I wouldn’t anticipate writing, yet here we are.
On the Allison Mack story, it’s worth noting a few interesting things:
“ join, women are brainwashed into handing over blackmail-worthy material such as pornographic pictures or financial information.”
At least they are back to trying some one off weird setups again. I wasn’t into how the one where they were basically inside a live action video game was directed but appreciated the idea. This one was also a bit out of tune as far as landing the jokes but the fun of tjis show is you never quite know what you are…
A sex cult which is allegedly branding people with her initials and putting women on starvation diets, among other really disturbing reports. Still trying to wrap my brain around that one.
Yeah “ninja” is in fact a real juggalo thing, along with all the “whoop whoop” stuff in this episode.
Just assume that every female on the planet, and a whole lot of males, have been sexually harassed and/or assaulted vis a vis their jobs and we’ve now reached critical mass where these revelations have taken on a life of their own. And we’re only on showbiz at this point. We haven’t even gotten into religion or…
We regret to inform you that the poop emoji (NOT Patrick Stewart) has been asking women for years if he can lie on their chests
Due to mass disqualifications across the board, this year’s winner in all categories is...The Emoji Movie!
are you honestly pretending you didn’t know “my ninjas” was a goofy way for white people to avoid saying “my niggas” ? like... your non-juggalo friend pointing this out to you was the first time this idea occurred to you? what in the ever loving hell... i mean... fuck me, i’m not in the family and i’m just a hater or…
Between them not mentioning Murphy’s flesh addiction, only mentioning Warren’s quest at the very end, and mostly leaving Sarge out of the main action, I wonder if this wasn’t a rejected script from a previous season dusted off and quickly updated - maybe they changed Murphy’s speech from being about leaving the infant…
“Her abuse of those women aside”
The shootout in the projects in True Detective S1 comes to mind but it was one scene and not the whole ep. Spectacular long take nontheless of course.