
I think the key word here is "professional". It's not that his poor eyes have never seen such words, it's that normally, they're not used in this medium. That said, I wasn't really surprised that profane language was used in a Gawker article.

exactly what i was thinking. when was the last time you heard that?

The images are fantastic. That said, can any pilot out there comment on the practicality of the amount of detail on the display? It seems like a lot of data to be flashing in your face, but, I'm not a pilot.

they use these in China, seriously.

I'll give We a try.

So what do you think happens first: Arteries solidify or body gets preserved?

You're right, that's way too much onion. More meat, please!

Did you read 1984? Doesn't quite work that way. Big Brother owns you.


"So, eat another burger, sallies".

My uncle used to do this with a thick cardboard tube and lighter fluid. It was pretty cool. I don't think it could launch a potato, though. Just some wadded up paper.

Isn't cilantro also known as Chinese Parsley?

I've never paid attention to my breathing before while running. And I've never thought to. Now I'm gonna focus on it so much that I'll probably pass out from not taking in enough O2.

I really want to know how much they paid to turn PATRIOT into an acronym. My tax dollars at work.

Starbucks. :)

Ticketmaster charges a service fee on top of the ticket price. The String Cheese Incident is not charging those fees, essential "eating" the cost.

I did miss the sarcasm. But the cops aren't writing the article, and I don't know the context in which those comments were made, outside of what was written (and yes, I don't trust everything that comes out of any media outlet, right, left, or center. Call me jaded)

Correct, IF the protocol calls for tasing a pregnant woman who is of no threat. The problem with the article is that it gives the reader the impression that the police tased her coldly, which may be the case.

I think there are a lot of facts missing from the NYT article. For example,

Sharktaopus was the first thing that came to mind. LOL