
Or not... damn image fail...

Is it just me, or did anyone else think of this?

Is it just me, or did anyone else think of this?

they're made by velcro, called one-wraps. I got mine off of Amazon.


Huh. never thought about doing that. thanks!

I like these.

what do overweight relgious males use?

I live under a rock... I've never seen this photo until now.

Sheenanigans, coming right up.

"WTF! Did you seriously photoshop your head onto Kevin's body just to pretend that you're dating Sara?!?!"

I was thinking Fb, myself...

how about a little tau?

If I were charged a lower price, and paid for everything else ala carte, then yes, I would rather pay for the add-ons as I needed them, rather than pay for a service I'm not going to use.

Geez. I still remember that day. I wasn't feeling well, so I stayed home from work. When I woke up, I turned on the tv, and I saw the images of the world trade center buildings afire. At first, I thought it was a movie, and then I realized it was happening fo' real.

username: twatface


I've seen this in Japan, in a vending machine.

Right to choose? She made a choice when she had sex. NEWS ALERT! Sex can lead to pregnancy!

suck it apple. no mac support. boo.