What remains of Joe Hubris


I've definitely seen a few bugs, like zombies getting stuck on walls, or a character dropping through the floor, but I haven't had any choppiness.

Fucking great game. I love it. I've been playing it since I bought it yesterday. There are a couple things that are hard to get used to, one is that you only get one saved game. There is no "going back and reloading". But it is wicked fun... My roommate nailed it, when he called it "the zombie game we've all

This person should not be on the bench. She should resign or be impeached forthwith. By expressing these opinions, she has demonstrated that she cannot be relied upon to rule in a fair and impartial manner. Even if she can, her court will now become an appeals machine. No matter the race of the defendant, these

So, if my friend downloaded japanese porn only from Japanese sites, would I-I mean, she be okay?

Different words have different meanings. the word woman is not synonymous with female. The word man is not synonymous with male.

Thank god your obvious stupidity will likely limit the number of who will be subjected to your "schooling"

Woman does not equal female and man does not equal male. They are different concepts and they represent different ideas.

Is it some variation of P O E?

I'm a crackhead, and I'm insulted that you think we would be so stupid/crazy

This is some F'ed up shit...

Where do you see Russia in 5 years? 10 years? 20?

Great, so copyright law doesn't protect file sharers but it does protect this bullshit. It makes me want to tear up my law degree...

But surely, (Shirley) this infringement is actionable by Nimblebit...

How do they get away with that w/out violating their copyright?

What do you mean by "cloning games?"

Yes, I cannot wait for the special later this year!

Is there a precedent for actors who have appeared int he series returning to play the Doctor?

Well... I guess that kinda makes it her fault... Oh, whoamitryingtokid, I can't stay mad at her!

Whoa, whoa, whoa... what's this now?