What remains of Joe Hubris

So, because the TNC platforms’ business model isn’t to your liking, you’re okay with writing off the woman who provides affordable transportation from a grocery store that sells organic products, the guy who takes people to their 4AM shift at Dunkin Donuts, the person who saved your friend from a DUI over winter

How many things have we done that weren’t strictly necessary? Well... I think less than would seem at first blush. You could argue that there are whole markets that are driven by “unnecessary things”. However, are we to consider these structures as a form of infrastructure? If so, almost all infrastructure ever

My question is “What problem could any of these proposed mega-structures solve for the builders?”

I think it’s either an “N”. It may be an “M” that is being distorted by the plastic.

I am totally confused as to the blindness, Nardole and Bill and what happened at the end of Extremis and the beginning of this episode? Did I doze off or is something missing? Sigh...

“The Imperial House Law: Chapter 2, Article 12. In case a female of the Imperial Family marries a person other than the Emperor or the members of the Imperial Family, she shall lose the status of the Imperial Family member.”

Shortest ranked list ever...

I think we know who was behind this.

The first season’s story was more tightly told than that of the oft-wandering, sometime-dithering second season. However, the new season’s story is much more interesting and at times quite disturbing.

I better still be able to get my Giga-bacon Teritama burger...

My complaint is the “just telling us” finale. Having coherent vision for your central mystery is certainly laudable, but it’s not enough. You must actually present that vision through acting, writing, etc. “Here’s what happened with this character.” “Here’s what happened with that character.”

I think they were trying too hard to unlost the show. Instead of organically resolving the season’s story lines, or, god forbid, leaving them for next year, they just told us what happened.

Let’s talk about when techmology goes horrarbly wrong...

Get ready for the most thrilling letdown of your life!

It’s been too long, my dove. I see you’ve lost none of your form.

“1. Are there no other humans in the park other than the guests during “play” hours? Seems like you’d want to have one or two undercover just in case.”

I think their plan is pretty clear

Birgette Nyborg is my spirit guide.

Theorizing about mysteries in a JJ Abrams project? Somehow, I have a vague sense that I’ve been here before...

I wonder how much Delos had to pay to hire the former Prime Minister of Denmark?