I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.
I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.
I posted this response in direct reply to the article, but I want to share it here too because I think you're spot-on. Thanks for saying this right off the bat.
Typical hypocrisy. Your article reads exactly like the abuse apologist propaganda this website thrives on regularly criticizing others for, plain and simple. Jezebel is either, "just a blog", with no expectation of ethical standards, or an expert feminist news organization depending on which description suits their…
"I have absolutely no interest in defending Lena."
But in this article you do defend her. You defend a questionable action as innocent and harmless without the subsequent context that would indicate that it very well may not have been innocent. Regardless of how early this behavior started, this was an early indicator and predecessor to actual predatory abuse…
Gonna reply to my own comment here with some of examples of what I mean so that people can see what I'm talking about:
AND, her sister Grace said, "Without getting into specifics," she said, "most of our fights have revolved around my feeling like Lena took her approach to her own personal life and made my personal life her property."
THANK YOU. One more thing: Lena also relishes in delivering her sister bad news (like their grandfather dying) because it would mean that her sister would give her attention. That is some next level shit.
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…
Because ESPN's Facebook comments section is an unmoderated hellhole that makes YouTube's comments section feel like it is inhabited by solely Nobel Prize winners.
Nothing good can happen when you drink like a Wisconsinite and think like a Floridian.
Roberto Demente
Goodell: when he told us he prayed, we didn't realize it would look like that. He misled us as to the nature of his praying. If it were Christian-like praying—2 games. But this?! Indefinite suspension.
"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."
one brand of feminism is telling people how to be a feminist... guess which one is jezebel?
If I Did It is the still the best work of fiction by a USC football player.
Shaw will continue to be allowed to attend his classes. However, his teachers have become concerned that maybe his dog didn't really eat all of his homework this semester.
I'm surprised you haven't been filleted for this comment yet. Usually white people (of which I am one) jump on these really quickly to insist that "I'm not racist!," or "MY family didn't own slaves, thank you very much," or "why can't we all just get along?," forgetting that only white people have the luxury of…
Police brutality exists largely because of the negative reactions/feelings that Whites hold against racial minorities. When you fix that shit, you'll fix the overarching problem of excess force, brutality, and profiling. White people should stop being so fucking cowardly and stop blaming us for feeling unsafe. How can…
I don't know, I mean the police have gotten warrants for some pretty sketchy reasons and then n0-knock raid a family and put a hole in an infant's chest.