Even if it just takes away the “illusion,” take it down. I don’t want to look at that stupid shit. Fuck your flag.
Even if it just takes away the “illusion,” take it down. I don’t want to look at that stupid shit. Fuck your flag.
The fact that they put the toppings on the bottom of their sandwiches makes me nearly rage stroke every unfortunate time I have to eat there.
Considering that he played said 2,632 consecutive games, I’d say, yeah, he was clean. Steroid users turn into china dolls - injuries abound (case in point: A-Rod). Do you even lift, bro?
People shouldn't be allowed to eat at restaurants, much less vote.
I like how there is a database to keep track of what we put in our assholes, but no such database exists to keep track of how many times assholes (cops) shoot people.
Sometimes, life throws you a 12-6 curveball.
I'm new to the voodoo statistics of modern baseball - so this is most likely a stupid question - but is WAR adjusted for team production?
Four Tips Based in Reality to Keep You From Getting Arrested:
1.) Don't be black/brown.
2.) Don't be poor.
3.) Especially don't be black/brown AND poor.
4.) If the above 3 don't work, politely - yet, not too suddenly - bend over, grab your ankles, and spell "run" aloud.