
It’s not good for you to be miserable and really not good for your kid to see you miserable, unloved, or treated badly. I stayed for 10 years for my kid. I really wish I had left sooner because she is so much happier with us apart and she was really damaged by the dysfunction she lived in. Best of luck to you.

I never found monogamy hard.

Remember we should respect their beliefs too...

Here’s my hot take on Janet Jackson having a baby at age 50:

I’m curious about a lot of things, yet somehow “What did Hitler write?” is not one of them.

You do not have to continue to explain yourself. I feel like you’re being picked on for no reason. Your choices are equally as valid as anyone elses.

What I think of when I think of “white people” and “culture.”

As ever, I feel so honoured when men inform me and the world at large what their boners like.