Hell yes. Sometimes you just want to play some Destiny/FFXIV/whatever else without having to talk to anyone.
Hell yes. Sometimes you just want to play some Destiny/FFXIV/whatever else without having to talk to anyone.
Remote Play on PC is HUGE if you have a wife and only one good TV in the main living/family room area.
I don’t see why some people here (and Capcom for that matter) feel that casual players and the so-called hardcore are mutually exclusive categories? I consider myself to be somewhere in between. I have played these games religiously since SFII on the SNES, but I have always preferred the single player experience. I…
because video games
Another week on the books! Another weekend looms! Let’s play some video games.
Ninja Gaiden II (not the NES version).
I was hoping slot five would have read, “And You!” :(
I say this is a good thing, as I’m sure many others will echo. Far too many high profile games are released nowadays that suffer because of trying to meet publisher enforced deadlines.
I saw it in 3D as well. I got a headache as usual afterward but it was worth it.
The Falcon looked real too! When she tries to take off and it skids sideways across the ground. I was like, holy shit! It’s there doing that!
Ahh I see, he read from top to bottom, left to right and saw the ‘1st’ and didn’t read the rest.
It could have been worse. Remember that time Miss New Jersey ripped the crown off the head of Miss Rhode Island and then it exploded?
Honestly, Finn was the stand-out character for me. His combination of bafflement and enthusiasm made him a wonderful audience surrogate for those of us that really aren’t that into Star Wars.
And despite all that he’s going through, he still puts the effort of trying to get into Rey’s pants. I both respect and chuckle…
The underlining theme of the movie can be heard here...
With all the concern the NFL pretends on brain damage how the hell was OBJ not ejected for this. It's a blindside helmet to helmet late hit. He launched himself headfirst at the head of an unsuspecting player. That's how serious injuries, concussions, etc happen and he should have immediately kicked out of the game.…
There is a sequel too!