
I am just trying to point out that a feminist should not judge a woman’s actions solely on their effect on others. “As long as she doesn’t harm anyone else” doesn’t leave room for considerations regarding the harm she does to herself. A woman who decides to self-harm because she has broken her diet - to give perhaps a

I find that in a lot of these articles, people respond without really knowing the difference between a burqa, a hijab, a niqab or a chador. I also find that a lot of people think issues are either right or wrong, black or white.

There is a distinct difference between a Hijab and a Burqa or a Niqab.

By this definition, a feminist would want a woman to cut off her own arm as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else.

None of this will matter in a war.

“Inside, Obama’s seeting and doing everything he can to help us. He just can’t tell us about it yet.”

It was a horrible idea back then and it is a horrible idea now. Just because it’s our guy doing fucked up things doesn’t make them any more acceptable.

He bowed to the Emperor, not the PM. And he did a full bow which is NOT the ‘traditional polite’ greeting for this situation at all. It wasn’t a big deal, it was more of a ‘haha how cute/lame’ moment but it wasn’t the correct way to do things in this situation and we shouldn’t pretend it was.

That is, with all due respect, a whole lot of wishful thinking. And it doesn’t fit with all the other things Obama has done or supported in the past. And actually stopping things from happening until Drumpf-Day would help a bit too. People are working against this in many ways. A Scandinavian bank has been convinced

He doesn’t care. It’s the only explanation.

Guys, this is not okay.