
I live in this province. I don't get the whole "artificially low" part of your statement. That's pretty much the national average (except on divided highways, then it's a little higher).

And crossbows! Unless killing a Dawnguard at some point gets you one that way...

IIRC, SR 1 and 2 did have regular multiplayer, but it was limited to small-ish standalone maps with predefined characters due to the limits in the PS2 game engine they used. If they could do so in the next one, OK. But I'd rather they put the resources into a better single/co-op experience.

If they did that, then they might have to acknowledge the existence of Invisible War... I'd rather they avoid that issue entirely.

I've read from one of the devs that the starship is impossible to make profitable, so I assume they're to be unique and for personal taste.

Generally, I've read that the average LEGO brick in a set goes for $.10 each, 11 if it's a licensed property. IMO, this is somewhat cheap compared to retail on part count/price ratio.

Rio is home to the Systems Alliance training base for N-series candidates, so multiplayer set in there I feel should be rather intense.

How about go a step further? Like the 407 in Ontario, set up cameras on every entrance and exit, and maybe standard intervals too. Combination toll road (with automatic deductions based on distance driven) and instant fines if your plates aren't up to snuff or caught doing excessive speeding. A real law enforcement

Wait, so you're saying I could use my iPad to control my 360's web browser, when it has a perfectly fine built-in one? Yeah, makes sense...


Total nerd for pointing it out, but here goes:

Zynga to be put down like the mangy mutt it seems to be...

I'm dreaming it now: UT99-style instagib CTF-Facing Worlds... DM-Morpheus... Ah yeah...

No VIN, no chance. They're old enough to qualify, but a VIN is still needed to be roadable.

I view it more as an intended side effect of the implants from the Lazarus program, which would suggest they were derived from Reaper tech...

Couldn't it be simply... clown makeup?

You ask Why? Because racecar.

Maybe they suspected you were an unmarked cruiser...

Could be worse. Could be like my old man who had a 36" Wega, and the color board broke twice, which is a $600 touch each time. I chipped in towards a 42" replacement LED TV last christmas, just so we could get rid of the huge old thing. I'm still not sure why he'd continue to use that thing with the reds gone...

Did mine myself, carefully, and no bubbles at all. YMMV?