
For anyone saying this is a “victimless” crime let me as you something. Is drunk driving a “victimless” crime if no one is hurt? hell if that guy drives drunk once and is fine, what stopping him from doing it a second or third time. Same thing applies here. It is just a matter of time until this guy would have killed

Yep. The UK left the EU because the EU is a sinking ship. Germany should be following suit soon, which will be the death knell.

The fact gawker is so against this tells me it was the right choice.

Im going to go out on a limb here and say Porsches current lineup is probably the most handsomest in the auto industry (where its more than just one vehicle).

I’d paint everything this color.

People that are putting all SUVs in the same bucket need a reality check and a kick in the ass.

Is it bad that I’ve never heard a Drake song (that I know of) and still think he’s a no talent assclown? Or is that the beer talking?

There is a modern Porsche 928 out today. It’s the AMG GT.

Yep. Interestingly, the Macan is dragging Porsche’s historically amazing margins down. From 20%, to now around 16%. However, Porsche is trying to play the long game. Cheaper Macans get people in the door and trying Porsche, with the hopes that later maybe they’ll go to a more powerful Macan (a future Turbo or Turbo S

I never honestly considered this brand until their recent redesigns and changes. They might fit the bill of one do-it-all vehicle for me. Comfortable, off-road capable, towing capacity, not as big as a Suburban, and people/gear hauling.