7 & the Ragged Peony

Looks like the homepage of a Japanese porn site.

by and for

Fun fact: Farnsworth was a linebacker in high school, and CURRENTLY is a defensive lineman for a semi-pro football league team in Florida, and made the all-star team. Even at 39yo he’s still delivering ass kickings. #GoCubsGo

If that rendition of Be Our Guest was better than you expected, then you had some COSMICALLY low expectations. That shit was terrible.

Dear Tony,

16??! Try 10.

I wonder how many not-unattractive 47 year old women Tony “notices.”

To be fair, maybe they should be banned within a certain range of firefighters trying to you know, do important things. Cameras are good enough to where you don’t need to chase helicopters around to get a good shot of things.

It’s pretty impressive how she’s tanked her entire career in one tweet. It’s not like the sort of people who read her work have short memories.