
So, let me get this straight: bed frames are a deal breaker, being divorced once or twice ALREADY by the time you are 30 not so much? The fuck?

The only rule is: ALWAYS LEAD WITH A PUN

lol, yes I am

No reason to feel sorry for us. I'm awesome. I've met plenty of awesome people. Most of us aren't damaged or fucked up horribly. I do have an odd personality, but I'm damn proud of it.

Or more non-assholes are off the market by your thirties? I dunno. I just think it's funny that all these dating advice sites tell guys that women only like assholes, which is clearly not true.

I feel very comfortable asking women out and going on dates. You know what's frightening? When all your guy friends get married and start having kids and all of a sudden, you don't have any bros to hang out with. Then you got to search for a new bro to date. I'm 33, about to turn 34. Most of my best friends I've had

I met my wife on POF. I had both good and bad experiences. What I find odd, is you meet a swath of people you would not normally meet. In your personal circles, you tend to befriend people somewhat like you. They then do the same thing. So you do get some separation the further out you go, but not nearly as jarring as

I was surprised how far not being a dick got me. Like, I would have dates where I was super awkward and there was no chemistry, and the woman would still tell me it was one of the best dates she had had because I wasn't a dick.

yeah, still one of the best approaches, in my opinion

I also re-entered in my 30's. Went to a bar, talked to the prettiest girl there. It's now been 8 years of crazy fun.