
@The Werewolf: I hear you. It muste be due to Canada's dumb copyright laws (or lack of). But whatever the reason, I have no idea as to why no one in the know says anything about the reason for the delay. If MS said it was because too many record companies disagreed with Canada's copyright laws, then at least we'd

@2 replies: They need to put a Japanese dub over top.

So what do hotel hallways have to be scooped up every night? Wait. I don't want to know.

Cybernetics will be great... probably won't live long enough to see the day though. Won't have to bother with earbuds... hard-wired in, baby.

@TheCrudMan: Exactly. Make them not 7MP, or even 5MP. Give me a 3MP phone with a great sensor and decent lens any day over double-digit megapixels, a sensor from 1990, and micro-plastic optics.

Nice!! No chrome! For once.

"Look. We're all here today because someone, on some blog, started questioning who really… 'invented' the Macintosh computer. You know, I'd like to say something… to get it out right now. We're not a huge, nameless, faceless company… we're a bunch of people who work really hard to make the best products. We all

@Croaker: I find the same thing. I love that Windows has multiple ways of doing most tasks. Right-click, there are options. Alt-F, there's a menu with options... often showing you the equivalent keyboard shortcut. And for people who like to hold a key down while moving the mouse, there's often that too. Certain

@maxgraphic: Let's take preference out of the picture. There are usually less ways to do the same task in OSX as compared to Windows. Regardless of preference.

@Yon: It's because Mr. Jobs doesn't think you need freedom of choice in flexible ways to do a task. When I work in OSX I feel like I'm trying to run in molasses because I'm forced to do so much by mouse alone, or by awkward mouse-and-keyboard combinations.

@Benguin: It's nice not to have to have both locations open at the same time to drag and drop. With Cut in Windows, you select whatever files or folders you want to move, navigate to wherever you want to put them (whether immediately or after doing something else in-between), and Paste the objects.

Now mobile home parks have even more to fear.

The Courier.

It was someone trying to buy a whole "remixed" Justin Bieber album...

@nbergseng: Was not! It was 'password'. Without the quotes!

That's nothing. Anyone old enough to remember Thunder Crunch chips?

It's sad how many companies think that a "Team Building" party alone can raise morale. It's actually an insult if the rest of their actions stink. If you beat your wife all week but buy her a dozen roses on Friday afternoon expecting sudden happiness you're likely to get a smack on the face.

@Denver: Failure to become happy at work will result in one more Team Building party.