@tedknaz: That's totally awesome. Fortunately I've had excellent service, but if I didn't I'd be tempted to use that one.
@tedknaz: That's totally awesome. Fortunately I've had excellent service, but if I didn't I'd be tempted to use that one.
@Worf: It'll be called iMetal if Jobs can somehow exclusivise it (yeah, that's not a word, but in this culture it doesn't matter).
"The Next Best Thing To Oil"... gasoline.
@dfxdeimos: That concept is kinda foreign to Mac PC users. The idea that you can customize your interface to what *you* prefer, not what The Demigod prefers. Well, you DO have the choice in OSX to change button colors. Blue or grey. Why would anyone ever want more choice than that?
@Joe_Kickass: Yeah, I'm with you there... I have to support Mac PCs at some customer sites (yes they have problems too) and every time I have to work in it I can't wait to get back to Win7's beautiful interface and usability.
He's not running plateless... that's the next-Gen iPhone on the back there...
"At Apple, we do our best, we work our hardest, to make products that people love. When we created the iPhone we changed the way people see the mobile phone. Then we introduced iPhone 4 and once again raised the bar for excellence. The Retina display continues to amaze our customers. You know, not a day goes by…
@mrxcel: Apple would first need to post a list of principles.
I hear Chris is working on a new challenge... getting a real, live chipmunk on Billy's back.
But can you chop celery with the Win7 tablet? Huh? Doubt it.
@verditsgerman: I think it's actually now more similar to an iPod Touch, as you can't (yet) put on the new OS, and of course it has no phone capabilities.
Didn't Microsoft just remove a job posting for a role almost exactly like this? Or am I just starting rumors again?
This may actually fix the antenna issue.
Weiner shouldn't have been talking at a BBQ.
Would be great to see a scale image of the Earth superimposed on the video so we could see just how massive those bursts are and once again be reminded the further we look out into space the smaller we realize we are.
Smarter is coming? Really? Sony's phone development staff are finally getting their iPhone 4 shipment?
Who knows the real story here yet, but it's interesting to see how many folks are so eager to give Apple the benefit of the doubt... if this were Microsoft, would we be so generous?
@Doppelmayer: Steve Jobs would totally do this if he were wealthy. I think.
@mjt308: Bang on. Folks don't realize how much he's done for the world...
Seriously? You mean business users never found it handy to have other people messing with their document AT THE SAME TIME they're trying to type it? Weird.