
Actually, there is no scientific consensus regarding the safety of GMOs

GMO all ya want; just label products as such and let people decide what they want to consume.

The GMO apologists... I never understood that position. I get it when corn lobbyists take that position, but only a true contrarian would take up arms w/ GMOs as “good”.

a fee grows in brooklyn

100 years of “women’s chess”, and a whole human history of women’s oppression.

Right, my mistake, you’re not him. You’re just defending his bigoted point of view. However, it’s not a rule, its a fact, borne of circumstances that have nothing to do with inherent ability. Facts don’t reveal much without context.

The rule that women are inferior? Can you please take your time machine back to the ‘50s where you came from?

Judit (not Judith, she is Hungarian) Polgar is ranked 66 right now because she retired from competitive chess in August 2014. She has been ranked as high as 8 (which is right in the link you posted - reading is fundamental!). I’m sure she’s crying into her pillow right now because you don’t think her achievements are

It’s a matter of common sense, for which I cite myself as the source.

...citation needed.

Nature/genetics is not the only reason some groups of people do something better than other groups. Nurture/environment also explains why some groups of people do something better than other groups. It’s not always 100% inherited differences.

Alllll aboard! The burner account troll train. Here we go, it's gonna be a looooong ride

Oh look MORE!

maybe chess pieces are really heavy?

Yeah, because there’s definitely not a very real social aspect to that. Like, “man up, quit crying!” Maybe boys are so bad at fee fees because we make them that way. FFS.

I’m sure it’s just evolutionary psychology. Chess was very important to tribes of hunters and gatherers.