Sure you can. This is Deadspin. Why would anyone not show in 2015, specifically because of Obama? Obama was the greatest president of all time.
Sure you can. This is Deadspin. Why would anyone not show in 2015, specifically because of Obama? Obama was the greatest president of all time.
“I made a decision in about four minutes that clearly confirmed my existing left-wing political beliefs.”
Why does Peggy Noonan goad me so?
I think it’s jingoistic. It’s one more way for Americans to claim superiority over other less-privileged, less-funded, less-white, Olympic hockey teams.
Hell no. A graduate instructor is one of the most dangerous jobs in America!
The Porters live in Laurelhurst because the coach wanted to live close to UW. The school district assigned the three Porter kids to Nathan Hale.
It started at 6pm. I didn’t think kids went to bed that early. Or do American kids only live in the Eastern Time Zone?
He’s either lying for effect, or there’s an undisclosed medical condition. Those rates for a 25 yr old aren’t accurate otherwise.
If “juicing” was a religious practice common in some Arab countries, you’d be considered Islamophobic.
Deadspin’s “Stick To Sports” mantra only applies to those not on the far-left of the political spectrum — so 95% of Americans.
Certainly, not Deadspin.
Is “Radical Idealist” the new, less-pejorative term that SJWs are using?
Kaep has only fought hoes and Reno bros. He’s not fighting for the oppressed.
He’s definitely reads Slate.
Pretty sure Deadspin would.
He’s an asshole, but he’s a white, privileged asshole.
Why do you think Hillary stayed with him, through the most public coverage of adultery in political history?
I thought Bush was literally supposed to be Hitler.
The 4th down marker had been moved on that Lamar Miller carry. It should have lined up with one of those hash marks.
I think they realized that politicians promising that NEXT THING, means nothing at all.