
It depends:

The 2008 version of Deadspin would have crowned Trump, “Man of the Year” for this comment.

Most of these settlements also restrict both parties from talking about or disclosing who got paid what. It’s literally one of the only bargaining chips an accuser has in civil trials.

Ha! I remember Enberg being confused about those calls as well.

If an opinion piece/editorial wants to make such arguments, I think that is appropriate. But to package it as some kind of expose or in-depth reporting is a disservice to readers.

Or what the definition of “starve” is.

Now, even privileged people want to hop on the social justice hype-train and shun any assimilation into the bland American middle.

Bernie Bro Deadspin: “Socialism in the NCAA is actually pretty great and it benefits all. Income inequality is the scourge of our time!”

If you assume that part about Sean Kingston being true, the settlement certainly must’ve also come with some sort of non-disclosure agreement, right?.

But some guys with pipe bombs and knives are so dangerous that we have to use a special category of “Enemy combatant” with no rights when we detain them because POW or criminal act status isn’t strong enough to protect us.

Seriously? After reading that transcript, it would be generous to assume that Rose understands anything at all.

Why would any NFL player/coach ever want to sign with New Orleans?

Woah woah woah...

Have you read Deadspin before?

Simple. It’s about ego and jealousy. Brazil has always viewed itself as an equal to the US. They even Kanye’d the Wright Bros.