
Looks like someone had one hell of a party.

Wow — Two Dr. Strangelove references today. On a roll.

Mr. President we cannot allow an alien telescope gap.

Ms. Walker has great posts. So maybe this one is not a 10. So what.

The map is interesting, but since grains and grain consumers (beef, chicken, pork) are exported don’t infer that one country is is worse than another.

Yo! 9th and Wharton! Cheese steaks!

I once had a thermo professor hurl a piece of chalk across the class and swore up and down that the university bought the cheapest chalk and that he had to buy his own chalk.

Mars Attacks is much funnier. Oops, I said it.

His arms must have been pinned so he couldn’t ask for Scotty to beam him up.

“Practical uses for whippits beyond just getting giddy from inhaling....”

About time. I got the runs from eating a grilled chicken breast once.

Where is Jules version?

Waaaah! My Dell 386 with a 30 Mb hard drive won’t run Windows 10. Shame on Microsoft.

Ms Walker — we need full disclosure. Where have you lived and for how long? Where did you grow up? Dependents?

We loved our 2007 Camry until it got recalled for Excessive Oil Consumption. 140K miles and it is drinking 1 quart every 300 miles.

Wow that started in 1969! I used the ARPANET at UCSB in 1973 or 74. At that point you could connect to hundreds of machines. It really spread fast.

I didn’t see a single “Make America Great” sign. Trump has Indiana in the bag.

Learn to bundle. Rolling is a space waste.

LA would have been more excited if it was filled with water.

First (The) Facebook is accused of rigging the news and now Amazon is “controlling” the government because everyone in Washington does what the Washington Post writes. Google you are next.