773x312 found her burner password finally

Also, I feel like this could be a counter-picture to the one up top. All three gorgeous. None of them straight.

The concept that women help mitigate base tendencies is fucking sexist in and of itself. Women are abusers, and they are violent and base in their own right. Women are troubled and complex and all that encompass them as human beings. We are not your moral compass nor are we your collective conscience.

They dress that boy like he’s the consumptive shut in child from The Secret Garden.


I mentioned this to you earlier today, Natasha, but over the past year, I’ve found the public face of the movement to grow more and more divorced from what it seems society needs feminism to be doing. In one corner, we have pandering celebrities who have tapped into the lucrative Tumblr activist demographic by

i bet ten billion dollars they wouldn’t complain about metallica but if someone in the building played rap, they would be at their black neighbor’s door in a hot fucking second.

I had a neighbor war at my old place. The lady that owned the nice house behind my shitty apartment was the worst. She left her multiple dogs to bark outside all the time. Literally all the time. Those dogs never went inside and never ever stopped barking. I set up a stereo system in my kitchen that faced her very

I feel the same way about the Civil Wars.

we all know who Rebel Wilson really is

Great review of a review!

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”

I just remembered a great one! Last month, my friend - who is the chillest, least confrontational, most mild-mannered person in the whole world - was visiting Israel and he ran into some German lady who was like, “Why can’t there just be peace?” My friend was all, “Yeah, totally” (my friend and I are both Jewish but

No, it’s Becky.

Ugh. There is nothing wrong with working retail/service full time, but making assumptions is annoying.

No one should have beliefs that I don't like. I'm a megalomaniac, not a sexist.

Not on any of the commercial stations. But there's great music on stations like WEVL in Memphis and WDVX in Knoxville, both of which have online streaming.

Also, I'd like to take a moment and vent that their most popular song is that godawful "Pontoon" song. They are so much better than that. Mainstream country makes me want to claw my eyes out nowadays.

But the unsweetened Passion Iced Tea is so darned delicious.

I find it so unsettling to think that in 15 years' time, all the makeup that we think is gorgeous and sophisticated and classic will look hilarious. Then I try to console myself that in 50 years, everyone will think we look fabulous again. But it's small comfort though, it really is. Those derisive sniggers from 2030