773x312 found her burner password finally

I don’t know that my father views sex as his right to have (although with that sentence, I’ve officially thought more about my parents’ sex life than I ever wanted to), I think it just never occurred to him (or my mother, quite frankly) to wait to make babies. Sex education didn’t exist in rural Appalachia when they

I’m one of 6, and I have a very clear memory of my mother being scolded by the midwife for not spacing her births far enough apart. My father is pretty traditional, so the bulk of the childrearing (except the strong discipline) was left to my mother, with me as help (I’m the oldest, and the only daughter). “If he’s

I'm an East Tennessean who now lives in The Big City, so WDVX's streaming is my great link to home.

They're a better version of Lady Antebellum, and it pains me that they're not as popular.

The only 'out' Country singer of note I can think of is Chely Wright, and she was never invited to the Opry, do you know who it was (google is no help)?

Yeah, I was at the same community college that Maci went to, and they tried to get people to ask her specific questions all the time. You can totally tell too when you watch that they're being fed stuff, like how the girls always have a friend ask "what was it like when you found out you were pregnant?" You were