May Smith

Yeah, whiting your skin was a think in some Asian cultures long before contact with actual white people - certainly in Japan, I know white skin means you don’t work. You want to have pale, smooth, blemish and pore free skin, because it shows you have the time and money to spend ages on caring for your appearance, and

I’d be more open to that criticism if I had actually jumped in to derail a conversation in progress. I made a comment, and others showed up to school me on the inadequacies of my short historical perspective. Did my comment in any way deny a modern POC perspective? It did not. Did I address post-colonization? No.

Meanwhile, white girls all over America frequent tanning salons and apply massive amounts of self-tanner and bronzer in an effort to look darker.

I’m kind of amazed that people agree that there is a historical aspect of a preference for paler skin that has nothing to do with white people, and then crap all over me for not expanding my comments to address White Superiority, plastic surgery, modern media representations, etcetera.

Hmm, there’s always been a rather shadowy side to the whole music producer scene - where’s the Netflix documentary on that?

The headline gave me a lot of hope for #consequences. The story demolished them.

Tell this creep that his money’s on the dresser and he should leave now.

Actually, her mental health could completely excuse what she did. We don’t know yet: we’ll have to wait for more information. Should she be found to have mental problems, then she would need therapy and institutionalization, none of which makes her “a fucking asshole” and all of which would make her a flawed human