
The trick is to mouth the word “watermelon” at different speeds without fully enunciating.

You have no idea the levels of fuckery it takes to make me side with the Fucking Eagles, but by god, Donny Boy has done it.

“No, it’s not accurate. I don’t know who the (bleep) said that. That (bleep) is (bleep). Whoever said that (bleep) is (bleep). That’s all I have to say, man.”

The weirdest thing was watching the Warriors high-fiving and laughing as if they’d annihilated the Cavs, as if they’d done anything other than narrowly escape from a Game-1 loss at home.

You’re allowed to be moving if you have a proper defensive position. The announcers got it right, the former official got it right, the call on the floor was right, the review was wrong. Total nonsense

NFL: “Stand or stay in locker room.”
Players: *stay in locker room*

NFL: “Stand on field.”
Players: *stand on field, fists raised*

NFL: “Stand on field with hands down.”
Players: *stand on field, hands down, heads

We’ve gotten ourselves into this mess by underestimating how much Trump is willingly acting. He does most things, and says many outlandish things, on purpose, to elicit extreme reactions. He’s openly lying about the FBI investigation, not because he doesn’t know the facts, but because he’s actively trying to undermine

The best solution in my opinion would be for every team visiting Dallas to just kneel for that game specifically.

In protest of the owners’ decision I’ve heard the Browns are considering throwing ALL their games this season.
Very brave.

I like people who don’t cancel peace summits

The majority of people upset over the “disrespect” shown by not standing for the anthem also proudly fly the Confederate flag next to the Stars and Stripes.... So let’s grade their anger on the idiotic curve it deserves.

Lemme check my notes: so you have to stand for the anthem out of respect, but it’s cool to mock Vietnam vets for being POWs.

NFL Can’t Stop Shooting Itself in the Dick

Yes but did anyone make a voting move?

So, on official review, it was determined that it was not a vote.

Eh, I’m not sure one on one does Jordan any favors, Lebron is talker, bigger and faster. I think Lebron takes him in 1 on 1.

Sorry. Poorly worded. What I mean is, “didn’t much care one way or the other.” The context from the rest of the post probably should have clued you in to that, but I can appreciate not letting a good “lol” go.

I didn’t think much of LeBron in his first Cavs stint...

I grew up being told that Wilt Chamberlain or Bill Russell was the best basketball player who ever lived. Eventually the people making the argument died or gave up, and people like me declared Michael Jordan the best basketball player who ever lived.

I didn’t think much of LeBron in his first Cavs stint, and like any good and true American disliked his time on the Heat. But damn if this late-career run as the greatest David since... David ... to the Warrior’s Goliath has not brought me around to really loving to watch the guy play. Especially given that his