Please. This is my current project as-discovered:
Please. This is my current project as-discovered:
My 454 in a 1/2ton 77, which is not the heavy crew cab dually showing up in your numbers, still only got 10mpg. Making your case worse here bud.
Someone is casting new blocks,…
They sound great but don’t put out much power. Expensive to build and terrible volumetric efficiency but they’re fun.
LOL if you think that HD is only 500lbs heavier than a 77 you’re crazy, the frame under it looks like a semi frame. The the ‘77 barely broke 5,ooolbs and the 04 is 6,500lbs. Besides, if you understand how much impact a weight difference of even a thousand pounds has on MPG, you’d understand that EFI is making a big…
And right after they figured out throttle response, along comes torque management that squashes it
My progressive linkage stromberg setup I put together 3yrs ago. The retro/simple/low-tech hotrod stuff is coming back, you can buy brand-new Strommies now, they’re in demand.
Come on son. Apples to oranges. MPG for a 454 in a ‘77 chevy truck cannot be compared to MPG of an 8.1 in 2004 HD crewcab truck that weighs, what, 2,000lbs more? I’ve owned both, and the 8.1 got about 4mpg better even with the weight disadvantage.
This is very true. I’ve had this argument countless times with people. You see it in action at Boenneville, LSR cars will literally pack hundreds of pounds of on-board water tanks rather than relying on radiator cooling that requires re-directed airflows.
Don’t be a d-bag. Just working your way up to the position of getting a title shot in the UFC is a hell of an accomplishment.
Me’s absolutely insane that most people in this country do not know how to counter steer.
I fucking build cars and I didn’t know about this stupid acronym until this article. Guess you’re more qualified to be on Jalopnik.
185 on the last liter bike I owned. I’d love to hit 200 on one of these new bikes. No adrenaline rush like it in the world, best way to explain it to people that have never been much over a hundy is that it’s skydiving...vertically.
With the levels of traction these track systems provide, welded diffs are going to put a lot of pressure on the drivetrain when the car is turning (outside track has to go faster than the inside track). In contrast, a locker would allow the diff to ratchet, so the axles could rotate at different rates when turning.
I wondered the same thing. It’s possible with a wet clutch though.
HAHA I didn’t realize he was THAT short! Maybe he has small-pres syndrome.....
It’s not “put to any purpose other than”, the energy gains of new engines are negated by things like heavier cars and faster highway speeds than the model T. Air bags, side impact bars, strong roofs for rollover protection, and crumple zone design are significant weight gains, would you prefer those didn’t exist on…