Snet form my iPhobe

Is this the Mispatry Corner? Because lemme tell you, my dad has turned into a Breitbart-gobbling MAGAt this last year, and hooo boy, after him being a drunk all my childhood, I’m really done with his shit.

GOP: Let’s immediately begin an investigation into Hillary Clinton sending a bomb to herself!

I always thought google should have marketed Google Glass to black people.

Who among us hasn’t had to tug down our pants after a spicy Curry?

My sister lives abroad, and she’s not bringing her kids back to the States until after they’re out of school. Because there’s just too many guns and too many Trumpanzee idiots. I cannot blame her.

In the Flat Lands of Madness’.


A few years ago when I started going back to school, I came on Jezebel and posted about it and some people were saying “Go you!” And praising me for being a woman seeking a degree in engineering (I didn’t even mention I was 40 at the time, so not just a woman, but a middle aged woman). And it was so fantastic to have

Return them covered in cat piss and sardine juice. Fuck the guilt.

Uh, no. Just throw them in the trash.

I’m for showing a video of this on the floor of the House...let them know what’s coming with the midterms. 

Most exciting news this weekend involving lions in the Midwest, amirite NFL fans?

Love how DNA is only relevant when it serves trubal economic interest.

Man, I never knew that Senator Warren was to blame for GOP racism.

Amen. The sheer volume of mental warp necessary to accuse a woman of any misdeed just because her mother told her a story is fucking unreal.

So why did the Cherokee Nation decide to hand Trump a box of rocks to bash Warren with? What good did it do in the current situation? We know that Warren was being pressed as lying about any connection at all and the Nation took the truth that she wasn’t and weighed in.

it’s like the GOP continuing to be bigots towards Native Americans is suddenly Elizabeth Warren’s fault?

Forget it, Milt.  It’s Gawkertown.

The same idiots who put pictures of Pine Trees in their PNW studio apartment, or shitty prints of light houses at their beach house.

Seriously, fuck everyone for getting on Warren for defending herself. How about going after the shitty GOP for allowing this shit to continue?