Snet form my iPhobe

Judging from exonerations, a black prisoner serving time for sexual assault is three-and-a-half times more likely to be innocent than a white sexual assault convict. The major cause for this huge racial disparity appears to be the high danger of mistaken eyewitness identification by white victims in violent crimes

I was agreeing with you and posted that video, in which the child’s parents actually allowed him/her to perform a strip tease in a gay club on a Saturday night and take dollar bills from the patrons, as a sort of “WTF!” moment. I find the whole story sick and heartbreaking. I can’t believe Jezebel ran the story, and

Read more.

In the spring of 2016 Arizona passed a law stripping any person with a sexual assault conviction of parenting time with any child conceived during the attack.

I never wanted (or had) children because I never wanted to experience another person feeling about me the way I felt about my father. I don’t regret the decision.

Based on this reporting, I’m going to say she has the face she deserves.


Yeah, I dozed off as well.

Do you give lessons, or are you taking lessons? Any particular discipline. eg, dressage, or just having fun with horses?

Tell us about being at the horse barn.  

You would not believe how many fucks I save by not having an Instagram account.

She was referring to the phenomenon of “desistance.” The numbers vary from study to study, but at least half of people who ID as trans when they are very young, eventually come to see themselves as homosexual, ie, they lose their gender dysphoria and become comfortable in their sexual identity. The concern is that

It’s just a theory.

At last!

It’s like the 15th or 16th most popular search category on PornHub.

Check out the linked article in Rolling Stone about one of the Florida survivors. It may be most the families of the murdered just didn’t want to be part of anything related to Bundy.