Snet form my iPhobe

See: Jost et al, 2003. “Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition”


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I was listening to some asshole saying the Stones were just soul/blues rip-off artists and keeping my mouth shut, but later I thought to myself (staircase wit I reckon), “Explain this, motherfucker.”

There’s nothing wrong with that sentence. Maybe it’s just a little longer than what you’re used to.

I love your screen name.

Late response. Different laptop.

A friend of mine whose parents left Poland in the late 1930s recently told me some of the older members of her extended family in Europe are telling the younger family members to get out now: “we’ve seen this before,” sell everything, go to Israel.

Alex Jones says he has an 8-chambered Klingon heart and will rise again tomorrow morning for his 10:00 am tee time.

We’d never even heard of Adventure Time until after we’d had them a year. Funny, how things go.

We named Doc Holiday after the Val Kilmer portrayal in “Tombstone,” and he was our Huckleberry. As for our other two, Jake is named for Jacob in the Twilight movies, and Finn is for Finnick in “The Hunger Games.”

“Touch not the cat bot a glove.”

We have two others, brothers, Jake and Finn. They fight constantly and pee on everything, but whaddaya gonna do? They’re our boys!

It’s a rum from Trinidad. Tastes like cake!

Sixty-six. Twenty six years. What is this action of which you speak? It sounds like it might be something interesting.

MSNBC is reporting that his heart resigned in disgust.

Love Your Kitties thread:

“They never said that to any man who was not elected. I was kind of struck by that.”