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Yesterday we learned that King.com, makers of the wildly popular game Candy Crush Saga, had submitted a trademark application for the word "Candy" that would block other game-makers from using it in their game titles. This has struck more than a few people as more than a bit ridiculous, and some people are responding

I expect the next headline on SI to look something like...

I'll have to use this again

Not only is SI clearly wrong about where Montoya is going, but they've been wrong for 17 hours. It seems like they just don't care. Who is editing this place?

Wow, a Dennis and Brawn team up. That's quite a pair. They may have to rebrand as Team BadAss.

He was last spotted taking his shuttle to his private retreat, where he intends to regroup his thoughts with friends and family.

Inevitably everyone will hate on this guy. All the comments up to this point seem to lean that way, but I actually think its a cool statement.

Finally, a flipping 3-door fastback, with appreciable amounts of power!

I don't agree. There's a lot to like here.

Leave your windows open.

Believe that AWD makes you invincible.

If you take the pilots out, you also get to remove the ejection seats, human-centric instrumentation and control systems, life support, voice radios...it all adds up to a lot of weight and volume in an airframe where weight and volume are the enemy of performance.


so much want

Why does that matter if the cause is just?

I sincerely hope the end result of this article being published is Priefer being unemployable as an NFL coach.