Hyundai has gotten back into racing with WRC and Rallycross cars. Hitting the tarmac is the next step and it could be a huge profile booster for Kia.
Hyundai has gotten back into racing with WRC and Rallycross cars. Hitting the tarmac is the next step and it could be a huge profile booster for Kia.
Please be a mid-engined affordable 4c, please be a mid-engined affordable 4c, please be a mid-engined affordable 4c, please be a mid-engined affordable 4c, please be a mid-engined affordable 4c...
GT4? Does Kia plan to enter the European GT4 Sports Car series with race versions of this car? Wait, that actually sounds awesome when you think about it.
My grievance: being greyed out in the comment section after doing nothing but contributing to the commenting community!!
Bad electric steering. Nothing ruins a modern car like bad electric steering.
I applaud this list for being very specific as to WHY the worst cars were the worst.
Face exhaust.
That is an Illuminati Motor Works 7. A Fully electric Car with a 200+ Range
I thought putting a Turbo'd Inline RB6 in a mustang was actually kind of cool. but that's just me
See, the whole notion of grid girls is a bit problematic. It's a bit absurd to ask why there aren't more women in or interested in racing when we're still parading women about for the sole purpose of looking pretty. While that's not going to stop me from having a good time, it does give the first impression that it's…
"I ain't gonna give you no tree fiddy you god-damn Loch Ness Monster!"
About time.
Quick, somebody get a thimble to gather all of our tears.
I can see them sitting in a room silently for weeks, each fully expecting the other to bribe first.
Blame it on the two most corrupt and self-defeating organizations in the history of the world; the New Jersey municipal governments and Formula 1. Combined they reach a critical mass of utter incompetence; one can only imagine what the meetings between greaseball Jersey officials and greaseball F1 executives were…