
@SynthOno: I think the physics are very realistic in GT5... Notice that Rusty's car (and practically every other modern racing car) disintegrates, throwing off parts while they tumble. This helps dissipate the massive amount of kinetic energy of the car, minimizing the tumbling and flipping of the driver's

The Dymaxion STILL seems ahead of its time. A lot of the teams that just competed in the automotive X-Prize used some of the principles used in this off-the wall vehicle (though the Dymaxion is far bigger).

Jalopnik wrote an article on a car way ahead of its time earlier this year: The US Department of Transportation RSV. Jalop called it the safest car ever built.

The Cord 812 was pretty far ahead of its time. It even looks like it is from the future

@DasHoon: +1 on the Tucker sedan. WAAAAY ahead of its time in many ways.

@oldwordron: It is amazing how safe they've made it. Mark Webber's flight into a wall dropped my jaw when I saw it happen. I was sure he was dead. He walked away. We'd still have Senna racing around today if the folks back then had been more concerned with the drivers' safety.

The main goal of these probably isn't fuel efficiency, it is to push ahead KERS technology that can trickle down to consumer cars.

Technically, a blimp is given its form by the shape of the skin and internal pressure. This is a dirigible, given its form by a rigid metal frame.

I'm sad I missed out on this yesterday. I would have suggested the Kaiser hood ornament... an elegant, space-age blending of sleek metal and glass.

Is everyone forgetting about the required voiceover? Or will we go back to silent films when this happens?

@Heel-Toe: We've had our MT 2011 Sonata for several months and we love it! It is at least as good as our old maxima and nearly as good as our old A6 (the A6 had one noticeable difference... it felt much more SOLID). For the price and with its warranty it is a no-brainer. Our local dealer in Ft. Wayne, IN even DOUBLES

@eraserface: We drove several trim lines and transmission options on the fit a few months back. Didn't really like the way it drove at all. It is very utilitarian, but in my opinion, that is all it has going for it. The "sport" version with the MT feels sluggish and the shifting feels loose and sloppy. The clutch is

We just got a 2011 Sonata a few months ago. We also drove the fit a few times in several trim levels and with auto/MT options.

@EdgarJPublius: That is kind of an inevitability for any person or business in a #1 position. Staying #1 indefinitely is an impossibility. Things change.

@Tyrunn: I work in a college IT department and students' new computer purchases are between 10 and 20% Apple.

@icehawks11: Definitely in the running for ugliest car ever.

No Death Race 2000?

@Niteman cometh: Noomi is amazing. In some of those scenes where she's fighting someone, I get genuinely concerned for the opposite actor's well-being.