
@Zendax: I can see only 1 (maybe sort of) practical application for a 4.8" 1080p screen... a portable theater simulator. If you held it at just a few inches from your face, you'd have a big screen feel and still be able to see (most) of the detail. But you'd need something that would look like those virtual reality

If the efficiency trends follow the cars, they'll shrink the fuel tanks by at least 20% (carrying around that extra fuel is inefficient), so truck drivers will be stopping at least as often as before. If the number of trucks grows proportionally with the population, there will also be more trucks on the road. Truck

@Zendax: Yes, 720p makes much more sense. Joe Q. Public needs to be aware of file sizes associated with video resolutions. On a 4.8" screen device, you're going to be using relatively expensive flash memory. A 1080p video will eat up twice the memory per minute of a 720p video while giving very little or no

@Mārtiņš Ceplis: I like mine! So much nicer than the '73 which they tamed down some angles on and ruined the rear tail by smacking the license plate in the middle (the '71 and '72 have it off-centered to preserve the point). They all came with the 455, but only the GS had dual exhausts!

I'll wait for the FerrariJet.

Kevin Costner can take it down! Down with the Smokers!

@pres: Drinking problems are no laughing matter... unless they are in Airplane! The White Zone is for Loading and Unloading Only.

Put a tiny, efficient 3hp motor in there (several times more powerful than human legs) to power the flapping, and that is an amazing powered glider. The biggest inefficiency in powered gliders is the weight/drag of the non-working motor/prop when it is in glide mode. This would basically eliminate all of that.

@Maori_Yelir: Yeah, couldn't it be that Pioneer's centuries are actually shortening compared to ours? Doesn't time vary according to gravity?

@macshome: High tech shell game: That's what I love about F1. Everyone's trying to not only out-innovate each other, but also out-innovate the rules. Red Bull is passing all the flex tests, yet still manages to pull some flex out of the wings in race conditions. Those engineers deserve some kind of award.

Wouldn't it generate a lot more downforce if it were much closer to the ground? McLaren's F1 team whines about Red Bull's front wings that apparently bend down a half an inch or so under load because it gives them so much more of an advantage. Having a giant wing two feet in the air isn't going to do nearly as much as

Don't we already have a modern F1 track in the USA in Indianapolis? Sure Mosley and Michelin ruined the last race there, but that can't really be blamed on the venue, can it?

@Maxichamp: I watched the race. Yeah, there was a radio malfunction, but the lollipop guy should have held the driver/car until he was clear. That's the guy that should be getting the blame for this.

@cruzer555: We replaced a leak-ridden '97 Audi A6. The Sonata has nice enough trim and amenities and fit-and-finish that it felt like a lateral move. And we got a 20 year 200,000 mile drivetrain warranty. I won't have to pay for any repairs (other than normal wearable parts) for 5 years. Our Sonata will cost us less

@Alfisted: Good call. That was my first thought. Developed before WWII and in production several decades later. I don't know of any other four that gets that honor.

@jimheem: It helped that we were in my crappy '87 corolla that was given to me and had a bullet proof drivetrain. That makes it less stressful. She just got a 2011 Sonata (6-speed). THAT would be pretty stressful to teach someone on. It's our first new car and the most expensive one we've ever owned.

@cruzer555: The 2011 Sonata might surprise you. Almost 200 HP, 6 speed MT, plush amenities, good fit & finish. Consumer Reports rates it pretty much top in its class. The direct injection engine is pretty torquey. It's basically like a ford ecoboost without the turbos.

My grandpa taught me how to drive his old suburban when I was 8 yrs old. It was a manual transmission on the column. I wasn't heavy enough to push the clutch in with all my weight so I had to pull myself down on the steering wheel.