We just bought a new car for my wife. It's a Sonata with M/T. Those six speeds are pretty sweet.
We just bought a new car for my wife. It's a Sonata with M/T. Those six speeds are pretty sweet.
@Ding-Dang: My first thought when seeing this photo was that Wes Anderson is just out of frame.
@CABEZAGRANDE: The exhaust was so hot they needed ceramic tiles like on the space shuttle to keep it from melting/burning the rest of the car!
@CABEZAGRANDE: I messed up my posting and didn't get my text in. The reason why I posted this is because it was so nice on paper and it drove like a beast in Gran Turismo 2, but in real life it sucked and they only made one.
@irishman72: I'm pretty sure one of these Cavalier wagons has placed in the top 3 in LeMons races at least twice.
It's so unrealistic... A row of trees around the perimeter? Trees... in Texas?!
@Velorium: I saw the old style microscope right away. It even has the slide holder!
@The Second Spitter: YES! This was so futuristic in its design.
@Professor Slowmobile: They actually used these as cars from the future in the movie Gattaca. The foley they used made them sound like electric cars, but the looks were entirely unchanged.
@Tijuana Taxi: See third from last sentence, "...after it was dispatched." Like the Norwegian Blue, it is no more. It is an ex-croc. It has ceased to be. It's pushing up the daisies.
This is exactly the sort of thing that goes horribly wrong on its maiden voyage and they end up needing to call International Rescue.
@Elhigh: I second this. It is much easier to get passionate about F1, where each team builds its own cars, works in their own tweaks, and has true rivalries. The competition isn't just between the drivers, but between the car designers and makers. I firmly believe that if NASCAR returns to its "stock" car roots,…
Oh. That's a touch screen? It looked kind of like a photovoltaic cell to me. The shuffle uses so little juice, it could probably run on a 1" square cell.
@I can be stig?: Johnny Five is ALIVE!