
@Hearthatvoiceagain supports Channan's Law: That's my take on it. Acceleration would need built up close to a system's star then would steadily (exponentially?) drop off the farther you move away from it (though you would theoretically constantly accelerate) .

They missed a couple of things.

@Jude Butler: Sorry, I rarely visit the site to see replies to comments (I usually rock the RSS feed in my feed reader). Sadly, mine is not the GS, but I plan to make it better than one with some headers/dual exhausts tuning, transmission swap (not sure how that last one will work, though).

Growing up I thought Fox Body Mustangs were hideous. Now they look like taught, lean beasts. It could be my reaction to model bloat, but the functional minimalism in the Fox Body 'Stangs just looks fast now.

I have a '72 Rivera. If they ask excitedly, "Is it a GS?", I know I have a winner.

If it is anything like the 2011 Ford Fiesta, it should be great for Buick and America.

If it is anything like the Ford Fiesta, it's going to be a good thing for America.

@Jeb_Hoge: Most of the big SUV drivers in my town are tools. They all think they own the world (and all the roads on it). I see aggressive big SUV drivers every day. They seem to love trying to intimidate me in my 2002 Civic Si.

@Charlie_Speed: You are correct... most of us know what you know. Unfortunately a larger number buy into Beck than I would like. I don't think it is as big of a number as they think they are... they just tend to be a very vocal, attention-getting (grabbing?) group... like a 3 yr old throwing a tantrum.

I sincerely hope this is a Top Gear sort of prank where buddies decided to see how bad they could make each others' cars look. This has to be purposeful (please... pretty please be on purpose!).

Ashamed hoosier hangs his head, sits quietly in corner of the room.

Any Lotus would make my decade.

@Novaload: That's AquaFresh livery.

@Maxichamp: Very nice balance! Could it be a Nissan marketing scheme?

Other drawback: Partially colorblind people like my dad won't be able to know which light is lit. With the vertical three light units he can tell by the position of the lit light.

HEY! "4,000 pound sports sedan with foot thick doors"... I have a '72 Riviera and it pretty much fits that bill with RWD, zero cupholders, and a 7.5 liter V-8. Watch which decade you're trash talking!

Great Hudsucker Proxy reference.