
This is Shilling we’re talking about. His ability to write about anything other than a pro-union piece, while ignoring history and any other salient facts, is extremely tenuous at best.

Real fans watch it live

As a camper and “off roader” Im still terrified of driving an EV too far away from a power source. Basically anywhere you’d want top camp off road.

Smuggling Weed = not particularly troubling.

The issue is, people look at the numbers and think something like ‘why waste my vote?’ or ‘I don’t want <name> to win, so I will vote for <other name>.”

David! Recommending a Jeep farm implement is still recommending a Jeep!

Still waiting for my flying car and Mr. Fusion too.

And when will the effect of the rioters/protesters in multiple large cities, some night after night, ever be determined?
Oh... becuase rioters don’t tend to vote for the same candidates that the motorcyclists do. Gotcha.

Not quite...but I heard if you offer them a case of toilet paper they will call it a deal. :D

Seriously. I’ve already hit a point in my life at 27 where I can imagine exactly how much space is too much or too little for me. The size of the garage is considerable more important to me than a 1000sqft living room.

No, as a several time rider, you know the reality of risk, you ride, you win. Motor sports are dangerous, as written on the back of every ticket to every event.

Mexico is pissed...am I supposed to care? When I’m negotiating, I don’t start with my best and final offer.

Honestly? Fuck Mexico. Lest anyone get the wrong idea, fuck Trump too but Mexico? A nation of absolute hypocrisy. Go, as an American citizen to Mexico and try to buy property and see what happens. Overstay a visa (or just try and sneak in.) See what happens. But yet there are protests and indignation throughout Mexico

Im not getting into a debate here, I learned long ago not to voice any of my opinions in public, especially on the Internet, and slipped up in this case. I could keep this going all day tomorrow, get you angry, get me angry, get a bunch of other people to start posting angry responses to me and to you, and it won’t

How many school shootings have been done by people legally concealed carrying in the general vicinity of them? Just genuinely curious if there’s any statistics being kept on that.

can you show me the correlation between open carry and gun deaths?

How much does running a 30 second un-skippable ad pay?

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

Congrats to fellow Jaloper Parker Kligerman on his tenth place finish.

You sure the stock injectors can’t handle that? I don’t have any experience with the LT4 but the MZR in my Mazda can make 400 whp with stock injectors. (Not stock seals though...)