
Which is why I prefer to respond via computer and not my Android.

Perhaps, you should suggest the delete feature to many of the other posts here.

As I told Happiest, typed on my Android on a bus.

Hey, I typed that on my Android on the bus ride home. Cut me a break here and let me fix that.

Oh, this is just the beginning.

Don't forget marketing costs, which is usually equal to the production budget
so it's more around $300 million, give or take any other unseen costs.

This is just another dime-a-dozen comic book movie like all the rest.
Some people here seem to be looking forward to this movie because they genuinely think that movie looks good but to everyone else, it's more of a soapbox for politics and it also seem to bring out the immature child in some men AND women alike (this

I see. Thanks for the comparison. I now have a better understanding on what the movie's all about now.
But I've never experienced anything like that but I have by other black people. There was a scene in the trailer when the lead character tries to give the other black guy at the party dap and the other guy extends his


Well, I am black and I have never experienced anything like what's in the film. I've basically been accepted for being myself regardless of color.

I'm still trying to find out what the hell the movie is trying to say because I'm not getting it.

The difference between this and Wellness is that the latter is just a simple psychological thriller while Get Out is laced with racial politics.
As for box office, Wellness has already been hurt and is not doing very well but it doesn't matter because these are two totally different movies overall.

I'm still trying to figure out what this movie is satirizing.
I'm on the fence whether to see this. It looks like a cool horror flick but I truly detest entertainment pushing politics upon me instead of actually entertaining me and tend to avoid them.

With all due respect to the both of you and your profession, I'm not a STEM professor but I am a movie fan and I honestly cannot excuse boring, by-the-numbers and lazy filmmaking at the expense of motivating and inspiring others.
They took a great and inspiring story already and essentially dumbed it down in order to

This review pretty much confirms all of the worries and concerns I've had about this movie since watching the trailers and the some of the clips.
This movie is no different than other "fact-ional" biopics like The Social Network, The Birth of a Nation, Red Tails, The Imitation Game, Selma and A Beautiful Mind where the