
former Eagles beat writer Kevin Mulligan, who is now a Catholic priest.

Eagles fans are toxic. They are the worst fans in the league, hands down. I hate when Eagles fans come to New Orleans, because they ruin the atmosphere of the city for the weekend and are violently hostile to a degree no other fan base even approaches.

Audi has been evolving the same design language since the early 2000's. That Hyundai went with a big grill doesn’t somehow wrap around to Audi somehow copying Hyundai.

I used to love a good IPA, until every microbrew in the country decided they had to have the hoppiest version. I swear tons of beers are crafted without any real vision for what the flavor is supposed to be, just really hoppy. It drove me back to my first loves, stouts, porters, and brown ale. Of course, Lagunitas

I was going to say the same thing! It’s so nice to see physical gauges.

It’s got actual dials, knobs, buttons, and switches.  That’s awesome in my book.  Don’t care what they look like as I can control them by feel.  I shouldn’t have to spend much time looking at the center console, that’s the point.

You’re assuming, of course, he does not get re-elected.

Possible scenario: Person wants to make sure the vehicle is damaged enough that they can collect the insurance on it.

I thought Torch had posted this until I double checked. I love this Z and I’d probably get along with the owner, but $8k for it is a hard CP.  As a car guy I “get it”.. but even I wouldn’t shell out that much for this... and the vast majority of people aren’t car people.

Would I buy it? No. But the build looks well done.

“Superfortress” is the name of the bomber type, not the name of the specific plane that dropped the bomb. Those were the Enola Gay and Bockscar.

I know, right. And there are other things named after the Bikini Atol that have been around for half a century.  No one seemed to make a fuss over these.   Now I’m going to enjoy some Nagasaki sake.  (yes it exists)

So your point is it’s better?

I don’t think that anyone disagrees with that, however repeatedly cutting off your nose to spite your face is not tenable either.

So - China’s policies that hurt the US are a good excuse for Trump’s policies that hurt the US?

A bigger and more important take away is how awful the Wrangler is on the road while still getting beaten by these cars off road. The Lexus GX is a 100x better place to be as the wrangler for a road trip or even daily commute, and it starts about more 10k of the Wrangler Rubicon starts.

land cruiser prado is ~$50k - so overlaps with the upper spec Wranglers - like the model tested here.

The CP people are objectively wrong. They may not want one, but this is a very good price. 

I’m seeing all these CP’s but a quick check of Autotrader shows that it’s reasonably priced for the mileage. But I think all of these inflated FJ’s are CP. Look at some of those that hoarded them that have less than 50 miles - those bastards are asking MSRP (technically more because inflation) or more.