
There is one other development that’s even bigger than all that... the development of the integrated circuit which set the stage for the microprocessors used all sorts of devices these days.

Thats ah...thats a lot of buttons. 

You should first ask why you have these in the first place.

I think people caught on that Infiniti’s are nothing more than an overpriced Nissan.

“On one extreme end, there are people (see also: crazies) who never wash their cars. And on the other, there are obsessives like Larry Kosilla of AMMO NYC.

Yeah, but Bernot was clearly removing context cues to make readers incorrectly think that the article had documented men doing it to women.

Michael Collins drove a Beetle. For that reason alone he was not allowed to walk on the moon with Buzz and Neil. 

Nah, this was way more entertaining than adhering to baseball’s stupid, archaic unspoken ‘rules’.

Is it really cheap to be outraged about $8 for beverages? Yep.

Companies love customers like you who think an extra few bucks for something is not a big deal. In fact, they count on it.

I don’t think I’ve tried one that didn’t taste horrible or like cough medicine.

Alternate headline: Guy On Internet Plays Cities: Skylines.

No doubt, who talks like that...makes you think the inquiry is just a tad made up.

I’m of the opinion that anyone who actually HAS $200k to spend on a toy, wouldn’t be here asking what they should buy....🤷🏽‍♂️

After we got home and pulled the twins out of the car; I drove it straight to a Dodge dealer and traded it in on a 2012 Charger SRT8.”

It is smart, but it’s there because they were smart enough to make it part of the company’s name. Honda in North America is actually “American Honda Motor Company, Inc.”, which is a subsidiary of Honda Motor Company, Ltd.

I’m all for shitting on neckbeards, But this is not a neckbeard.