

Well, they are in electricity production...as long as you are ok with your views being obliterated by windmills.

Yup. I mean the Dems are doing absolutely nothing to give anyone a viable candidate. Biden? GTFO. They’d be better of letting H. Clinton have another go at it, or even a room temperature corpse.

Or a fake Fiero 308.

Looks clean enough but CP for me. Market pricing aside, I can’t get over it being probably one of the ugliest Ferrari’s ever, hence why you can typically get them cheaper than most prancing horses. But hey if you want a relatively cheap and ugly Ferrari, I guess it’s someone’s NP.

Yeah and then you have David’s comment a bout a nice and reliable vehicle (again and SUV), something he knows nothing of.

To be fair it was cloudy out so when staring at the sun isn’t possible this is what you do.


Yup. I’d imagine there were plenty of folks in recent Hurricane flooding situations who did the same. If there’s no evidence this chooch tried getting it out then he’s gonna be making all the payments on it regardless.

Theirs don’t but somehow your peripheral opinion from afar does? Right now the only opinions of Brown that count aside from his Mother or several illegitimate kids is those of Steelers and Raiders fans. Fucktrolls like you and Magary and any other unbiased NFL talking head can suck a bag of dicks. Yeah, I’m sure you

Who’s going to hire a lawyer over a $500 or $600 paycheck?

Yeah and people are complimenting the looks?

Cadillac anymore is just a fancy Chevy. Back in the golden days of Cadillac (pre-80's) they were a technology inventing, ground breaking lux brand that even the German builders aspired to. Fancy Chevy isn’t a good identity to have.

Here’s that dealer’s inventory list:

Ima go out on a limb here about the GLE and say the reason they are sitting there is because they aren’t moving the ones on the dealer lots very fast. I checked the closest MB dealer inventory by me and there are over 50 GLE’s on the lot. They simply don’t have room for anymore, and I’d imagine that’s the case

Hard to organize your alibi, call your personal physician, call your lawyer and get your story straight with everyone the police might question from the side of the road. 

Yup. and his present to himself this year that he allowed his friend to drive recklessly and/or the friend didn’t respect him enough to drive it more responsibly? Sure thing. Oh accidents happen all the time when you are doing nothing unsafe just minding your own P’s and Q’s early Sunday morning (read late Saturday

Yup. He was driving and bolted the scene leaving his obviously good friend to take the rap as being the driver. Add to that the “major back injuries” self-diagnosis before going to the hospital I guess would be a nice cover for any opioids in their systems because having to take a pill for the back pain would be a

And portal axles.

Per Wiki: