
Beer and boobs, right? I mean; we’re so simple-minded it’s amazing we created the wheel, let alone the computer. Probably just so we could get more beer and boobs.

Thanks for this.

For every woman PO’d because someone would make a pink car with pink interior, lipstick holder and full size a cosmetic mirror to pop down from the visor, there will easily be another one PO’d they don’t make it. I know of one personally that would love it.

“thinks it knows what women want” is hilarious if prefaced by Aston Martin or anything else, including women.

Odd, I have a 2009 Xterra with about 170k that I maintain poorly and other than the classic blower fan dying issue, I never had a problem that wasn’t completely my fault. I agree it’s not up to 4runner spec in terms of overall reliability, but it’s much better than any Jeep Cherokee or GC, and I never leave the house

Pfft, When I was a “kid” with a manual I could eat a big mac while drinking a beer Coke in stop and go traffic. It’s also why god gave us knees and GF’s to steer for us. Texting with a manual is just one more skill for kids to perfect. They are creative creatures.

Beaten wife syndrome?

Wait, you are concerned with reliability and you went with a FCA product? On the flip side, when my twins were born I dumped a 2015 Jeep Cherokee and moved into a Toyota Sequoia.

Of course she wanted kids, Who’s she gonna get to play chicken with her?

But why? They must have already proven themselves by passing the test, so are in no danger. Except they are obviously chicken shits.

Or breathing, apparently. 

Twice? So I guess he wasn’t chicken. She must be proud.

I’ve usually had good luck with one of each and it was the same sex parings that led to issues. Cats in general are solitary and aren’t apt to a social structure but they can live in groups, I guess the older one is past the accommodating to compromise stage.

two males or two females?

Just have them share an apartment together and work at a diner.

Red would approve.

Fresh as in low grade beef being refrigerated for a week before being cooked isn’t fresh just like those hot house California Tomatoes that are trucked for days to the east coast and maybe 10 days old before I may eat it aren’t fresh either. When they start sourcing local beef that’s a day or two old at the most from

Just like decaffeinated coffee, Non-alcoholic beer is Satan’s work.

Sorry but this Jennings guy seems to be a bitter jaggoff in general and in terms a pothead can better understand, a big downer.

Yes, but like in movies this unrealistic thing is allowed and tolerated but having huge titillating (no pun intended, but it works) boobs is insulting to our intelligence?