
Yes. Seems like a much better deal:

That’s what I thought. I never heard of “unlimited miles or X number of years”.

Physical age has no factor? I’ve already read of people replacing theirs on 2008 models but with only a little over 100k miles.

I guess that’s not too bad then. If I bought this I’d be doing my best to make sure the battery died before the 8 years was up.

Does the battery have to be completely shot before 100k, or will they do the warranty replacement on a pro-rated basis? Let’s say it’s 70% bad, can you get the new battery cheaper? Or better yet, how can you kill a battery completely without putting miles on the car?

So we’re possibly looking at $60k very soon for this car, and not just $30k. Let’s hope the “NP all day any day!” votes get the memo.

With new(er) battery? NP, With original at almost it’s warranty cut off? CP.

I am hesitant about buying a 10-year old Lexus LS600h for the uncertainty about the original batteries. With this Tesla, if the batteries are about to go, what’s the cost of replacement?  

In Boston it’s Wahlberging.

Two reasons for this: First; they are not going to change everything they been doing since the 70's to please the whims of an obviously insane President, only to have to get back in line two fold when the next president flushes everything Trump wrecked down the toilet.

No, he decide to gloss over that part and blindly jump on the Patriotic Toyota hate wagon that obviously the people who agreed with him were already riding.

Oddly you didn’t read that Toyota was part of the group.

The only time my mother was able to visit NYC in her life was in the 80's for a word required trip in the middle of a weeks long trash workers strike. She said shed never go back.

Everybody pays to one degree or another no matter where you live. Concessions are a part of life.

Under his eye. Blessed is the day.

At the same time near me we have an intersection that was made illegal to make a left turn on for 7 years now with significant no left turn signage stating this change and the cops don’t ticket anyone and everyone still turns left. I guess the thinking is they are going to give them time to learn it’s not allowed

We can always rely on you for the contrarian unpopular view. AKA bad cop role. And look at all those stars you got. 

Buying a super expensive German car to honor the D-Day invasion no doubt.

Pffft. I could buy 3 of these 1956 300SL Gullwings for the price of a loaded Chiron. Which is probably what this person owns at least one of.