
No, but maybe that’s where you look for the battery.

It’s ok though because regardless they’re going to keep making the old platform as well. They’d never put all their eggs into one basket. ;)

Especially when it’s a GM product where corners are cut and processes rushed to meet deadlines, trim costs and to appease stockholders. Sure even the Japanese and Germans have their bugs and issues to work out post-production, to catch unforeseen problems that went unintentionally undiscovered prior, but American

Considering a base L-48 Corvette in 1978 ran close to an 8 second 0-60, low to mid-teen times were more the norm than not, so yes.

That’s weird, I was just now thinking about how I’d like to crap on a Citation for some reason. What are the odds?

NP. Although when I first looked I said nice Scirocc...ohhh, what’s that?

I can assume this is just as annoying going through a drive-thru with a RHD car in the US.

Sorry, but I won’t tip 20% ($1000) on a $5000 bottle of wine. What idiot would do that? Just because I can afford expensive wine doesn’t mean I need to pay you to eat for the next two months as well.

Review scores mostly, but even those can’t be trusted since there are so many reviewers. It’s hit and miss mostly but it’ s better to be wrong on a $15 bottle than a $50 bottle, which can happen just as often. Plus, find out about the area the wine is from what the wines from that regions are generally like, and if

They could have just as easily thought “What’s this 2 buck chuck they are serving us, where ‘s the good stuff, where the Yellow Tail?” lol

It has more to do with “Look, I’m drinking expensive and rare wine” than “This wine tastes like it should be expensive.”

“It’s truly bizarre, and I don’t think I understand what’s going on.”

Yeah but sadly you’d just have two old Miata’s.

I’d debadge it altogether, or put a Freakster or Speedbug badge on it.

Yup, until they go and then you can buy/build new ones cheap and if memories of my old bug still serve me, you can pull the engine out with your hands, no lift required. I carried mine into my bedroom and rebuilt it there.

“This car is for someone who likes things a little different, an iconoclast who marches to the beat of their own drummer.”

From someone who owned a ‘72 Bug, I’d love to have turned it into this. Porsche purists are bad enough, but VW purists? 

Agree. No one knows what a “real” speedster is anymore anyway, except for those obnoxious kill-joy purists who you don’t want to be around. I like the Speedster styling and know enough about the model, but if you owned this and drove by me I’d have no idea it wasn’t real. Why? Because I don’t care to know that much

You want to stay air-cooled because we’ve been brain-washed to think that is better.